New Account Setup

Please complete all fields and upload the requested documents (in PDF or JPG format) to create a new ML Schedules™ Software user account and related Group(s).


Class Description
Internal Staff Groups Internal School and Town Groups
Norfolk and Non-Profit Organizations Norfolk and Non-Profit Organizations
Outside Organizations Revenue Generating Outside Organizations Revenue Generating
Outside Organziations Non-Revenue Generating Outside Organziations Non-Revenue Generating

User Information








Group Information

If you are an internal staff member who will be submitting requests on your own behalf (i.e. not for a group, team, club, etc), use your first and last name as the Group Name.







Additional Group Information

External / Outside Groups: Upload the Group's Certificate of Insurance and its Expiration Date.


The applying organization assumes all responsibility and liability for any injury to person (s) and for injury to, or loss of, town or private property in connection with the use of school facilities. The organization must hold the Town of Norfolk harmless for any such losses or damage.  For all events, a "School Use Release" form must be signed, dated, and submitted to the Norfolk Public Schools Business Office by an authorized individual.  The “School Use Release” form must be signed and returned to the Business office within 48 hours of the rental reservation being confirmed in order to hold the space
Additional Group Files